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How to adjust and use small loader lights?

Date:2021-04-27 11:40:06 Hits:
In fact, it is very dangerous to drive a small loader at night. Dangerous situations can occur for various reasons. First of all, you must use the car lights appropriately to avoid some situations. I remind you to pay attention to it. It’s simple today. Understand what should be paid attention to when using small loader accessories for car lights? The height of the light beam of the small loader should be adjusted upwards by ten centimeters for the right headlight and the left headlight. Be careful not to adjust the headlights too high, which will dazzle the eyes of the opposite driver. Park the car by a wall, make the head of the small loader and the wall as vertical as possible and keep a distance of 10 meters. Turn on the lights of the small loader first, and cover one of the lights with a thick cloth to adjust the headlights on both sides one by one. After the light of the small loader is turned on, record the projection of the light on the wall with chalk. Both the left and right lights should be kept equidistant from the solemn central axis of the dump truck. If the phenomenon occurs outward or inward deviation , It must be adjusted according to the tips in the dump truck manual.

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